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Stockport Chimney Breast Removal

Looking For A Chimney Breast Removal In Stockport ? 

Stockport Chimney Breast RemovalMany people in Stockport are looking to create more space within their home and getting a chimney breast removal is one of the most cost effective and quickest ways to do this . Chimney breast removals are very common for new families but it is a still a extremely common job in Stockport among other people as well .

If you want a chimney breast removed in your home quickly , efficiently and for an affordable cost then make sure to call us today at 0161 401 0226 . Carry on reading this post and you will find out the phases of a chimney breast removal and why we are the best builder for you !

The Phases Of A Chimney Breast Removal 

The first step in a chimney breast removal would be to arrange a structural engineer to draw up structural calculations . We do this so if you are looking to sell your property you can do so with ease and will face no problems from the buyers structural engineer .

Next would be to start the structural support work . The loads above the chimney breast must be structurally supported so that the chimney stack does not collapse and damage the property or worse injure someone .

Stockport Chimney Breast RemovalTo structurally support the loads above the chimney breast we would have to use structural supports which would further be safely propped by structural propping devices . However without the skillset and expertise of our structural specialists these tools would be useless .

Once the loads above the chimney breast have been structurally supported we can then begin demolishing the brickwork of the chimney breast . Our experts would use tools such as various drills and hammers . All of the debris would be disposed of properly using various dust sheets and transported into a small skip .

After this has been done we would then permantley structurally support the loads above the chimney breast by installing a permanent structural support . The majority of the time we would structurally support the loads above by installing gallows brackets in the loft to support the chimney stack however this can change depending on the job .

To finish the job we would clean up the site and we would sort out the building applications form and once the building inspector has came over and sees all of our work is well past the approved standard you will receive your final completion certificate .

Why You Need To Call Us Today ! 

Stockport Chimney Breast RemovalUnlike a lot of other builders who are just generic builders , we are structural experts who specialise in structural work . So while other builders make amateur mistakes and damage peoples homes , this is never the case with us because we have over three decades of experience and have mastered the art of completing structural alterations and repairs.

If you want to confirm that we are the best builder of you who will give you a quick and safe chimney breast removal for an affordable cost then click here and this will take you to all of the customer testimonials we offer . Remember to call us at 0161 401 0226 and to visit out website here !




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